The Geologer project intends to implement an educational game for teaching
the Geosciences. This will take the form of a synthetic (or virtual)
envirionment, Planet X, where students will be given the means and
the equipment to explore a planet as a Geologist would
(see the
The Geology Explorer storyboard for the first thinking
behind the project).
The game will be designed to give students an authentic experience that
will include elements of:
The first Planet X prototype will be implemented using the freely
available Xerox PARC LambdaMOO, which is a development environment
for creating text-based virtual worlds. LambdaMOO is an object oriented
MUD (Multi-User Domain), implemented as an object oriented
database with a messaging system and an extensible, object oriented
scripting language.
Planet X development will be accomplished by creating objects
in the LambdaMOO environment and implementing methods (verbs) on those
objects in order to simulate an authentic exploration and problem-solving
experience. To accomplish this, the following classes of objects
will be implemented:
A complete inventory of the objects for representing
field instruments, and
laboratory instruments, for the first prototype of Planet
X, can be viewed at Planet X Composition
and a preliminary "map", crudely implemented as an HTML table can
be viewed at Map of Planet X.
Design criterion for the player and tutor objects are below.
The remainder of this document is divided into the following parts:
1) Game Design;
2) Implementation Notes; 3) Minor Design Questions. An earlier document,
the Planet X Task List, includes
details that are relevant to this document. The design and implementation
plans for the first prototype of Planet X should be
seen as a combination of the two documents.
The following list is intended to be open-ended and discussion-provoking;
it contains a sequence of design points that will, in sum, set the "look and
feel", the playability, and the pedagogical approach of the game. Now,
in the early stages of the project, is a GOOD time to raise
questions and objections.
These notes on implementation are intended to mirror the design elements
of the previous section. Developers note: the keyword Need indicates
a piece of software that needs development.
There is a problem with the naming convention for the children of the rocks,
minerals, and instruments.
rock should have names like "smooth grey slab". However the
MOO cannot disambinguate the command line reference to "smooth
grey slab" if there's more than one. So, they should be
numbered to keep them seperate:
smooth grey slab #1, smooth grey slab #2, etc. Unfortunately,
the trouble here is that, with the discriminator at the end,
an entire (sometimes lengthy!) name must be typed in order
to get/take a sample.
Therefore, as ugly as it is, the discriminator should be at the front,
and further that we should just let the MOO do the work, rather
than trying to keep the numbers artificially low. So I propose that children
be named by object number + descriptive name: #1611 Smooth Grey Slab,
and #1731 Smooth Grey Slab, and #769 Rock Pick/Hammer, with an
alias that just uses the name (not the number).
Then players need only type
If this were just some internet game, there would be a master score
list, and everyone could see how everyone was doing. Of course, everyone
would be using a "handle" so we'd see that "KeyMaster Zoth" had a measly
15 points and the others could mock Zoth unmercifully. But then, Zoth
could simply leave the game and nothing would be lost -- i.e. in terms
of self-respect, humiliation, etc.
Planet X: The Geologer Project Design
Game Design
There will be (at least) three tutoring agents in the game:
Implementation Notes
where X is an instrument name like "rock pick"
where X is a rock or mineral (nominative)
name like "Slate" and Y is a location like "Sinkhole Margin".
where X is a rock or mineral descriptive
name like "smooth grey slab" and Y is a rock or mineral nominative name
like "Slate"
Tutoring Agents
I've changed my mind on this. Nathan
Green has pointed out that a trained dog is a highly plausible crew
member, if not a very plausible planet dweller, and on that basis
should continue to be an element of the game).
It's still not working (as of July 10, 1997), however.
This leads to some fundamental design questions.
Minor Design Questions:
Naming Conventions
"get #1731" or "hit #1731 with #1992"
and if there's only one, then
"hit smooth grey slab with hammer"
is still possible.
Problems with a Master Scoreboard
However, I fear posting such a list using login names (as motivating
as that might be), will run us afoul of the privacy laws. It will also
be cumbersome if 200 players are involved.
Nonetheless, a scoreboard is an essential factor and some system must be
figured out. Perhaps something based on NAID number will do it. Or perhaps
a top ten list could be built and maintained, and players not in the top
ten could simply call a verb that would give them their ranking.
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