using the term somewhat loosely to include anybody I just happen to
like for one reason or another.
If you want to read them online, you can locate the Complete Works of
William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
out there on the net.
There is also a Gopher site where complete texts can be had for downloading. They are, it is said, "freely available".
If it were done when t'is done, then t'were well
It were done quickly (Macbeth, Act I, Scene 7).
Mohammed Ali
I am the greatest.
Mikhail Gorbachev
Jimi Hendrix
This page is under
More to come. Looking back, it turns out I've had only a very few heroes in my life. But there are a lot of people that I like (for one reason or another).
If I had worn any hats, their pictures might appear if you: