The NDSU Computer Systems Institute

The NDSU Computer Systems Institute was founded in 1981 to serve as a vehicle for handling funds received from off campus sources for services provided by the faculty of the Computer Science Department.

Mission Statement (proposed revision)

The purpose of the Computer Systems Institute is to promote and support multi-disciplinary research and development activities in computer systems, and especially in computer systems with appliciability to education, commerce, farming and industry in North Dakota and the surrounding region.

The Institute will serve as an organizational structure to seek research support, equipment and projects, aimed at the growth of computer systems design and development expertise. The goal will not only be to develop this expertise at North Dakota State University, but at nearby universities as well, and to collaborate with industry in eductation, research, and development.

Activities of the NDSU Computer Systems Institute

Education and Outreach Design and Development
  • Off-campus courses
  • Cooperative Education
  • Specialized Training (Skill Training Center)
  • Weekly Seminar Series
  • Research and Design
  • Cross Disciplinary Projects
  • Consulting/Referral
  • Research Contacts
  • Capstone Courses

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