Assignment #3: News/Quiz Bots (100 pts, due Midnight, Thursday, March 8, 2018)

Problem Description: to create a content oriented pair of software agents:
1. a Quizmachine Agent with a specialized ticker in a list in .news_source with questions about the subject area in the .stories property;
2. an Atmosphere Agent with a Zelecon conversation tree, for players to learn content in a subject area (Teddy Roosevelt, Railroads, etc)
using the information stored in the ticker.

Follow these instructions (using the Belle Starr example as a guide)

  1. (5 pts) create a Conversation Bot, child of $g.gen_atmosphere_agent #1443:
    i.e. @create #1443 named Belle Starr => #11310 (Belle Starr)
  2. Read The Importance of $G at
  3. (5 pts) give your Conversation Bot a $g name:
    i.e $g:add_dollarg_prop("Belle_Starr", #11310) => $g.Belle_Starr with value: #11310
  4. (5 pts) create a related $g.gen_ticker #9018:
    i.e. @create #9018 named ticker-belle-starr => #11324
    (NOTE: -10 pts for mis-named ticker)
  5. (5 pts) give your ticker a $g name:
    i.e. ;$g:add_dollarg_prop("ticker_belle_starr", #11324) => $g.ticker_belle_starr with value: #11324
  6. (20 pts) create .stories for your ticker; .eg (at least 5 per ticker, 4 pts each), in the following format
    {1880, 0, 0, "Belle Starr born in Missouri", "Belle Starr was born as Myra Maybelle Shirley on her father's farm near Carthage, MO on February 5, 1848",
    "Birth", "Other", "", "Myra Maybelle Shirley", "Carthage, MO"}}
    NOTE: see Populating the MUD with News at

    NOTE: the .stories property can be loaded by keyboard assignment or tkmoo-lite property editor, but it must contain no line breaks or carriage returns,
    ALSO NOTE: quote marks must be ascii plain text, not MSWord 'decorative' punctuation

  7. Download a copy of the Zelecon Tool from
  8. (20 pts) use the Zelecon tool to create a conversation tree on your bot (at least 5 levels of questions, 4 pts each)
    Note: see Steps in Using Zelecon at bots.html
  9. (5 pts) create a $g.quizmachine,
    eg. @create #8356 named QUIZ_Belle_Starr => #11325 (QUIZ_Belle_Starr) (NOTE: -10 pts for mis-named quizmachine)
  10. describe the $g.quizmachine;
    eg. @describe #11325 as "You see a Belle Starr quizmachine"
  11. assign the .news_source property on your $g.quizmachine to a list containing your ticker;
    eg ;#11325.news_source = {#11324}
  12. (20 pts) provide a graphic for your Conversation Bot (the ticker and quizmachine inherit graphics), either a 180 pixel tall transparent .gif of a human
    (NOTE: a full human figure, standing, head and feet visible), or a realistically scaled object like a locomotive or a riverboat
  13. (5 pts) upload your gif to
    username: Spring2018
    password: blackwood
  14. Leave your Bot, Ticker, and Quizmachine in your underground workshop. Later in the semester we will test them and distribute through out Blackwood.
  15. Write a succinct, well-written, professional report, detailing your work, and send it via email to the grader
    abram dot haich at ndsu dot edu
    1. include your transparent .gif
    2. include recommendations for additions to the blackwood-news-ontology, if any

contact:; modified: 26Feb18