Advice Browser

This window let players browse through Sell's Advice Network. By pressing the advice button on any number of windows, players were implicitly raising a question. For example, by pressing the Advice button in the staffing window, the player was asking the question, "What should I think about when hiring staff for my store?" An expert (in this case, a bike store manager) would appear to answer the question. The player could then ask follow-up questions: this is how one browses the Advice Network.

Question Raised

The question at the top of the window is the question raised by the player either by pressing an advice button on another window, selecting a follow-up question, or through the Tutor Window.

Answer Video

Below and to the left of the Question Raised is the answer to the question, presented in QuickTime video form. (Or, alternatively, in text.) The video is of an expert giving advice on the question raised. You can see a sample video if you like (file size is 10 MBytes).

Follow-Up Questions

To the right of the answer are one or more possible follow-up questions that a player could then ask. Using these followup questions allowed them to browse the Advice Network. Below the questions is a History Popup, that let players return to a previously seen advice node.

How do I do this?

Sometimes, the advice would be to do something specific in the game. Players could find out how to do things in the game by selecting an item in the "How do I do this?" list. This went to the Help Window.


Pressing the help button also went to the Help Window, for help on how to use the Advice Browser.
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Original text by Cliff Chaput, Revised by Brian Slator
Last modified: Saturday, January 11, 1997, 5:17:46 PM
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