Title: The Center for Innovative Virtual Distance Education Research
Executive Summary: The NDSU Worldwide Web Instructional Committee (WWWIC) proposes an initiative to establish NDSU as a national leader in innovative virtual distance education research. This faculty initiative would cut across colleges and would address distance learning issues on the research horizon. In particular, we propose a center for research and development of advanced educational media; pedagogical systems that are hosted on the Internet and are role-based, goal oriented, immersive, exploratory, spatially described, and highly interactive.
Principle Department(s): Botany/Biology, Computer Science, Geosciences, Plant Science (Adjunct Departments: Business/MIS and Sociology/Anthropology).
Project Contacts: The WorldWide Web Instructional Committee (WWWIC) Brian Slator, Paul Juell (Computer Science), Phil McClean, Chair (Plant Science), Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat, Don Schwert (Geosciences), Alan White (Botany/Biology)
Project Duration: Ten Years
Total Direct Cost: The yearly cost of the center will be $390,000/year: $80,000 for student salaries; $200,000 for faculty release, stipends, and fringes; $110,000 for operating expenses.
Funding History: WWWIC is an ad hoc group of faculty dedicated to the development of virtual environments for education. Founded in 1994 with NDSU Planning, Priorities and Resources Committee (PPRC) funds, WWWIC principally functioned as a Worldwide Web facilitating organization. The 1995-96 WWWIC efforts were also funded ($40,000) by a grant from the PPRC. These funds were used to create a development team that consisted of faculty and students. Additional technical support was provided by the staff in the NDSU Multimedia Center. In its second year (1996-97), WWWIC became more of a facilitating and evangelizing group. These efforts were also supported ($42,080) by the PPRC to train the second wave of faculty and place their course materials on the campus WWW server. However, as the Web became institutionalized at NDSU, WWWIC transferred its vision to the 21st century and began research into innovative distance education.
Targeted Agency: The United States Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education: FIPSE program (Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education), $30 million per year available.