Photoshop Instruction Guide Person
Removal: 1)
Open image. 2)
select the “clone stamp tool” from the tool bar on the left side of the
Photoshop interface. 3)
Select an appropriate brush size from the menu bar at the top of the interface. 4) Press ‘alt’ key and drag the stamp tool to an area of the image that you would like to duplicate. While still holding the ‘alt key down, left click on the mouse. 5) Holding the left mouse button down, paint over the object in the photo. 6) Repeat until undesired object is no longer visible. Transparent GIF: 1) select an object from the image with the ‘rectangular marquee’ tool. 2) Edit/copy 3) File/new/enter 4) Edit/paste 5) With ‘magnetic lasso tool’, outline the object within the image until the part you want is highlighted. 6) Select/inverse and then hit the delete key. 7) Help/ ‘export transparent image’. 8) Select the ‘I have selected the area to be transparent’, then click on the ‘next’ button. 9) Click ‘online’ then click ‘next’. 10)In the ‘format’ pull-down menu, select ‘compuserve GIF’, give it a name, and hit save. 11)In the ‘palette’ pull-down menu, select ‘local (adaptive)’ then hit OK. 12)‘gif options’ click normal the OK. 13)Click ‘finish’ and save. Resizing: Transparent GIF:
1) image/image size. 2) In the pixel dimension area, select 180 pixels for the height (make sure ‘constraint proportions’ at the bottom of the image size window is checked. Click OK. 3)file/save. Scene: 1) click on the crop tool. 2) in menu bar, type in 600 px for width and 250 px for height. 3) drag the crop tool across the image while holding the left mouse key down.It will size the window automatically. 4) press enter and save as a *.jpg. Scanned Image 1) Scan the image 2) Select magic wand tool and select the background, then press delete key 3) Select/inverse 4) Image/adjust/hue saturation to change the basic color of the object 5) To color different parts of the object, create a new layer and select the magnetic lasso tool 6) Outline a piece of the object until highlighted 7) Double click the color box and the bottom of the tool bar and select a color 8) Click on the paint bucket icon in the tool bar and then click in the center of the highlighted portion of your image. This will give the area a flat, opaque color 9) Adjust the opacity of that layer in the layers box on the right side of the photoshop interface 10)Save as *.jpg ![]() Modified: 26Feb03; Contact: |