Lake (Northwest)

  • 2. Brown Sand Dune (North)
  • 5. Red Beach (East)
  • 36. Steep (Sea) Cliff (South)
  • 13. Bluff above Lake (Southwest)

Seashore (North)

  • 37. Wave Washed Island with Silvery Vein (Northwest)
  • 11. Atoll with fossils (Northeast)
  • 28. Cliff Bottom (East)
  • 22. White Cliff (Southeast)

Hills (Northeast)

  • 32. Tall Rock Ledge in Deep Forest (Northwest)
  • 25. Hilly Forest (North)
  • 27. Glacially Scoured Hilltop (East)
  • 14. Exposed Rock Hilltop (Southeast)
  • 15. Exfoliation Dome (South)
  • 16. Waterfall Lip (West)


Old Mountains (East)

  • 3. Mountain Spring (Northwest)
  • 6. Cave with Stalactite (North)
  • 39. Mature Mountain (Northeast)
  • 24. Small Canyon (East)
  • 21. Cirque (Southeast)
  • 29. Shallow Valley with Stream (South)
  • 34. Plateau with Fissure with purple vein (Southwest)

Desert (South)

  • 31. Butte Edge (Northwest)
  • 19. White Dike (Northeast)
  • 1. White Sand Dune (East)
  • 9. Playa (Southeast)
  • 10. Inselberg (Mesa) with shiny vein (South)
  • 17. Arroyo (Southwest)
  • 33. Reddish Butte (West)

Plains (Southwest)

  • 8. Stream with Cutbank
  • 12. Sinkhole Margin (North)
  • 40. Whaleback with pearly white vein (East)
  • 23. Bluff above a River (South)
  • 20. Escarpment above a River (Southwest)

Young Mountains (West)

  • 18. Small Canyon (Northwest)
  • 26. Ledge with Black Vein (North)
  • 7. Cave with Purple Vein (Northeast)
  • 38. Deep Valley with Forest (Southeast)
  • 30. Tip of Horn (South)
  • 35. Landslide Scarp (Southwest)
  • 4. Glacier (West)