Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 20:24:33 -0500
To: aagard@badlands.nodak.edu,
 dhandapa@plains.nodak.edu, dunkle@plains.nodak.edu,
 bellings@badlands.nodak.edu, ngreen@plains.nodak.edu,
 haugen@plains.nodak.edu, bkautzma@plains.nodak.edu,
 koehntop@badlands.nodak.edu, dmeyers@prairie.nodak.edu,
 qin@prairie.nodak.edu, dschmitz@badlands.nodak.edu,
 teigland@plains.nodak.edu, dward@plains.nodak.edu,
 nagaredd@plains.nodak.edu, turany@plains.nodak.edu,
 jbauer@plains.nodak.edu, habibull@plains.nodak.edu,
 peravali@prairie.nodak.edu, slator@badlands.nodak.edu,
 schwert@plains.nodak.edu, pratt@plains.nodak.edu,
 sainieid@badlands.nodak.edu, ljoseph@badlands.nodak.edu
From: slator@badlands.nodak.edu (Brian M. Slator)
Subject: The Planet X Design/Construction Plan

The Planet X Project

An email message sent to the Planet X crew from Brian Slator:

You are receiving this message because you signed the Planet X sheet that was passed around, or because I became convinced that your name was not on the list due to some oversight, or for some other reason.

If you wish to be off this list, for whatever reason, please send me a message and I will take you off.

Now, to business.

I've identified the following task areas for the continued development of Planet X: some are lengthy, some not, some rquire special knowledge or skills, some are boring, many are interesting, some will require input from our Geology friends, some are merely ideas and require real design effort, and so on and so forth. All require volunteers.

Please read the following, and send me a message listing your task preferences. I will try to match people to jobs in the next few days.

Send comments to: slator@badlands.nodak.edu