CS790: Educational Media Seminar: Fall 1999

Fall 1999 Call Number: #07285

W 1:00-1:50
IACC, Rm. #258C

Dr. Brian M. Slator, Associate Professor
Computer Science and Operations Research
North Dakota State University
Office: IACC Building, Rm. #262E
Phone: 701-231-6124
Office hours: MW 12:00-1:00, or by appt.


Given the enrollment this semester, we will be able to present research papers in the usual way, and also discuss research topics and possibly undertake a small project.


  1. Aug 25 - Intro and Data Collection, Stevens Auditorium
  2. Sep 1 - Slator: Educational Media Overview
  3. Sep 8 -
  4. Sep 15 -
  5. Sep 22 -
  6. Sep 29 -
  7. Oct 6 - No Meeting
  8. Oct 13 -
  9. Oct 20 -
  10. Oct 27 -
  11. Nov 3 -
  12. Nov 10 -
  13. Nov 17 -
  14. Nov 24 - No Meeting
  15. Dec 1 -
  16. Dec 8 -