CS 783: Special Topics/Virtual Environments
Call Number: #13137, 3 Credits
12:30 to 1:45 PM TR, in IACC 102
Course Content
The purpose of the course is to study the theory and practice of
role-based immersive virtual environments (IVEs) for education.
The topics under discussion will therefore be broad, including
not limited to:
- design and implementation of IVEs
- meaning and implications of authentic instruction in IVEs
- assessment of learning within, and educational outcomes of
- roles and role formation in IVEs
- psychological implications of IVEs
- formal and informal evaluation of IVEs
- socio-cultural developments in IVEs
- software agents and artificial intelligence in IVEs
- tools for building IVEs
- history and current trends in IVEs
Electric Worlds: role-based immersive virtual environments
for education (Final Draft).
The textbook for the semester will be the final draft of a
I have compiled describing the IVE research done at NDSU over
last 4-5 years. Students who notify the instructor in a timely
will be furnished with a free copy.
Course Outline:
Students will be required to do the following
- read the draft manuscript
- write a critical summary of some area of relevant research
- prepare a research proposal for a relevant project of your
own design
- actively participate in discussions arising from items above.
Final Exam is scheduled for Wednesday, May 10 at 10:30 AM -
12:30 PM
Software Review by Chuck McGinnity.
Schedule and Assignments
Tuesday, Jan ??
Tuesday, Feb ??
Turn in a 4-8 page scholarly essay on some element of virtual
worlds for education as portrayed in the text - comparing and
contrasting with related work undertaken elsewhere.
Note: this assignment should be posted online, or enough paper
copies should be submitted for the whole class
Tuesday, Feb ??
Turn in marked up copies of other student's scholarly essays,
using a RED pen, showing every mistake, correction, amendation,
Thursday, Mar 7
Turn in revised scholarly essay, in light of peer review
- Essays are supposed to compare/contrast with NDSU research efforts.
It is not enough to list other similar systems and describe them. You must
also compare and contrast wherever possible.
- Papers, are always turned in, single side, double space.
- Bear in mind this is formal writing. There is very little room in
formal writing for personal pronouns like "I" or "you". Use, "The user",
for example. The editorial "we" is acceptable, as in "We will now
discuss these issues...", and only in the introduction and the
conclusion sections.
- Abstracts are not necessary on the final version.
- It is not allowed to simply make generalizations without evidence,
nor is it allowed to express opinion without argument.
For example: You could say, "this site has extremely dense text which is
difficult to read", but not, "this site has too much text." Or, you could
say "this program does not succeed in X as well as Planet Oit" but not
"Planet Oit is better than this program."
- References
- Everything listed as a reference, must be cited in the text. It
it not allowed to simply provide a bibliography.
- URLs must be listed with other information as possible: ideally, Author,
Title, Institution, and date accessed and published (if listed).
For example: WWWIC (2002). The World Wide Web Instructional Committee.
http://www.ndsu.edu/wwwic/. North Dakota State University. Date
accessed: 18 February, 2002.
*Spring Break* Mar 13-17 |
Tuesday, Apr ??
Turn in a 10-page research proposal, suitable for funding, using the
Intel model - see
Note: this assignment should be posted online, or enough paper
copies should be submitted for the whole class
Tuesday, Apr ??
Turn in marked up copies of other student's proposals,
using a RED pen, showing every mistake, correction, amendation,
Wednesday, May 10
Final exam: 12:30 PM. Turn in revised research proposal.
Additional Background
VR stands for "virtual reality" and the objective of the
course is better understand the design and implemention
of multi-player educational game environments and the many
related issues and areas (in LambdaMOO, or
other platforms, usually with client development in Java and
advanced graphical interfaces incorporating QTVR, VRML, or
related approaches), with
a view towards constructing role-based educational technology,
and developing the tools that would facilitate the further
construction of such games.
Students are encouraged to consider joining if they have
experience with or inclinations towards MUD/MOO development,
Educational Multimedia, Computer Games, User Interface Design,
Graphical Design, Software Agents, Artificial Intelligence,
Role-based Games, VRML, Java, QTVR, Intelligent Tutoring, 3D
Modeling .... or any of the topics listed above.
Library Resources
Policy on Late Assignments
There is no happy way to assign lateness demerits. For the
purposes of this class, it is never too late to turn in work
(until grades are turned in at the end of the semester)
However, the later an assignment is produced, the less it is worth.
Therefore, the policy will be this: late assignments will lose a letter grade immediately, and then another letter grade after one week.
Special Needs
NDSU Academic Affairs New Course Syllabi Requirement
Any student with disabilities or other special needs, who needs
special accomodations in this course, is invited to share these
concerns or requests with the instructor as soon as possible.
Academic Dishonesty or Misconduct
NDSU Academic Affairs New Course Syllabi Requirement
Work in this course must adhere to the Code of Academic
Responsibility and Conduct as cited in "Rights &
Responsibilities of Community: A Code of Student Conduct" (1993)
pp. 29-30. "The academic community is operated on that basis of
honesty, integrity, and fair play. Occasionally, this trust is
violated when cheating occurs, either inadvertently or
deliberately .....Faculty members may fail the student for the
particular assignment, test, or course involved, or they may
recommend that the student drop the course in question, or these
penalties may be varied with the gravity of the offense and the
circumstances of the particular case."
Academic dishonesty can be divided into four categories and
defined as follows:
- Cheating: Intentionally using or attemping to use
unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any
academic exercise.
- Fabrication: Intentional and unauthorized falsification or
invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
- Facilitating academic dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly
helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of
academic dishonesty.
- Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly representing the
words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic exercise.
Modified: 12Aug99, 10Dec01, 8Jan06
Contact: slator@cs.ndsu.edu