Course Overview
CS 429: Network Applications and Environments (formerly known,
for many years, as CS345: Topics in Personal Computers: Network Applications), will
be a course devoted to the study of network
services and the development of internet resources. This semester we
will again take a project oriented approach.
In particular, we will develop an internet-based multi-user
virtual environment that is an educational game
The principal project activity will revolve around the
evaluation, redesign, and implementation of the Blackwood educational game.
Class members will be assigned to groups working on
different parts of the project: graphics, client-side
implementation, server-side implementation, and web-site
modules. We will begin with a structured analysis of a similar
system, DollarBay, and then design our solutions as a
group aiming to meet that model. Everyone will be expected to participate in this process,
which will entail interactions during class time, and both among
and between the working groups.
Announcements, etc
General Comments
- You are expected to be here. Come to class -- attendance
will be taken semi-regularly. If you miss class, come and
speak to me. This WILL affect your grade.
- Participate, cooperate, and help others.
- You can expect a substantial amount of outside class effort
for this course.
- This document will change over the course of the semester.
You should check here at least once a week.
- Periodically you might be asked to take a survey or some
other in-class activity. These will not be graded, but they will
be a form of taking attendance.
Required Reading:
There is no textbook required for this course, although many of
you will end up buying a book for your own use, depending on
your group.
In addition, you will read almost every word of this document (and you will be tested on it):
- Online LambdaMOO Programmer's Manual (LambdaMOO Version
1.8.0p6, March 1997)
There are a number of copies online, both text and html
versions, in a number of pretty similar versions: 1.8.0p6 is the
most recent.
Relevant Links
Client Software
Some homework assignments will be completed in the
Blackwood MOO, which is an instance of a LambdaMOO
server. In order to do the assignments, you will need access to
an Editing Client. The following are available.
- In the clusters or for your own use at home, you can download the
Grades will be assigned according to the customary system:
- A 100%-90%;
- B 89%-80%;
- C 79%-70%;
- D 69%-60%;
- F 59% or less
Assignments and exams will be scored as follows:
# | Name | Pts |
1 | Assignment#1 | 100 |
2 | Exam#1 | 100 |
3 | Assignment#2 | 100 |
4 | Project Proposal | 50 |
5 | MidTerm#1 | 100 |
6 | Presentation | 50 |
6 | Final Assignment | 200 |
| Total | 700 |
Policy on Late Assignments
There is no happy way to assign lateness demerits. For the
purposes of this class, it is never too late to turn in work
(until grades are turned in at the end of the semester)
However, the later an assignment is produced, the less it is worth.
Therefore, the policy will be this: late assignments will lose a
letter grade immediately, and then another letter grade after
two weeks.
Special Needs
NDSU Academic Affairs New Course Syllabi Requirement
Any student with disabilities or other special needs, who needs
special accomodations in this course, is invited to share these
concerns or requests with the instructor as soon as possible.
Academic Dishonesty or Misconduct
NDSU Academic Affairs New Course Syllabi Requirement
Work in this course must adhere to the Code of Academic
Responsibility and Conduct as cited in "Rights &
Responsibilities of Community: A Code of Student Conduct" (1993)
pp. 29-30. "The academic community is operated on that basis of
honesty, integrity, and fair play. Occasionally, this trust is
violated when cheating occurs, either inadvertently or
deliberately .....Faculty members may fail the student for the
particular assignment, test, or course involved, or they may
recommend that the student drop the course in question, or these
penalties may be varied with the gravity of the offense and the
circumstances of the particular case."
Academic dishonesty can be divided into four categories and
defined as follows:
- Cheating: Intentionally using or attemping to use
unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any
academic exercise.
- Fabrication: Intentional and unauthorized falsification or
invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
- Facilitating academic dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly
helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of
academic dishonesty.
- Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly representing the
words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic exercise.
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