Utility Libraries
Lambda MOO has a number of objects that define useful verbs for
manipulations of various sorts. These are not part of the
language, but part of the core or database.
Choosing from this menu will take you to a particular
classification of utilities.
a) Building utilities
b) Code utilities
c) Command utilities
d) List utilities
e) Object utilities
f) String utilities
g) Set utilities
h) Time utilities
x) Return to the foyer
Choose the menu item that you wish to investigate next.

You see Robby here.

Curt Hill is here.

-> look Robby

You see a Turing Robot designed to interact in vigorous 'Eliza-like'
conversation with other folks in its vicinity. It has key words, sentence
patterns, random responses, and question responses - all user programmable.
It has some ability to recognize where it is and to whom it is talking. 
Type @exam botname to see all the available commands. For detailed assistance
in programming this bot type 'help botname'. For a discussion of the issues 
involved in testing machine intelligence see Turing's paper 'Computing
Machinery and Intelligence'.  To start up the bot, drop it,
activate it,  and say 'hi'. Please report bugs to ken/cdr@CollegeTown.

-> "hi

You say, "hi"

Robby says, "Hi, how are you?"

-> "I'm fine

You say, "I'm fine"

Robby says, "You are fine? How come?"

-> "because there is love in my heart

You say, "because there is love in my heart"

Robby says, "What about your heart?"

-> "it bursts with love

You say, "it bursts with love"

Robby says, "hmm, is that so.."

-> "yes, i love you

You say, "yes, i love you"

Robby [to spliff6]: I really love you too.. <grin>

-> "can you help me with my homework

You say, "can you help me with my homework"

Robby [to spliff6]: Please tell me more about your homework...

-> "i have to create a LambdaMOO tutor

You say, "i have to create a LambdaMOO tutor"

Robby says, "What exactly are we talking about?"

-> "a LambdaMOO Tutor is a robot that explains the operation of a machine

You say, "a LambdaMOO Tutor is a robot that explains the operation of a machine"

Robby [to spliff6]: Tutor? how so?

-> "the tutor explains the machine and the function it demonstrates

You say, "the tutor explains the machine and the function it

Robby says, "hmm, is that so.."

-> "yes, i have to program the tutor to answer questions about
the function

You say, "yes, i have to program the tutor to answer questions about the function"

Robby says, "Yes? Hmm, that's interesting..."

-> "will you help me?

You say, "will you help me?"

Robby [to spliff6]: I'll try to help you.. but as a bot I really
don't know a lot...