-> look robby You see a Turing Robot designed to interact in vigorous 'Eliza-like' conversation with other folks in its vicinity. It has key words, sentence patterns, random responses, and question responses - all user programmable. It has some ability to recognize where it is and to whom it is talking. Type @exam botname to see all the available commands. For detailed assistance in programming this bot type 'help botname'. For a discussion of the issues involved in testing machine intelligence see Turing's paper 'Computing Machinery and Intelligence'. To start up the bot, drop it, activate it, and say 'hi'. Please report bugs to ken/cdr@CollegeTown. -> @exam robby Robby (#223) is owned by Curt_Hill (#2). Aliases: Robby You see a Turing Robot designed to interact in vigorous 'Eliza-like' conversation with other folks in its vicinity. It has key words, sentence patterns, random responses, and question responses - all user programmable. It has some ability to recognize where it is and to whom it is talking. Type @exam botname to see all the available commands. For detailed assistance in programming this bot type 'help botname'. For a discussion of the issues involved in testing machine intelligence see Turing's paper 'Computing Machinery and Intelligence'. To start up the bot, drop it, activate it, and say 'hi'. Please report bugs to ken/cdr@CollegeTown. Key: (None.) Obvious Verbs: hush robby act*ivate robby addw*ord robby rmw*ordfrom robby seew*ords robby addp*at robby rmp*at from robby seep*ats robby mvpat on robby addr*andom robby rmr*andom from robby seer*andoms robby addquestionr*esponse robby rmquestionr*esponse from robby seequestionr*esponses robby g*et/t*ake robby d*rop/th*row robby gi*ve/ha*nd robby to v*iew robby dis*play robby connect robby to @webpref*erences robby -> help robby Robby (#223): ---- ********************** PROGRAMMING COMMANDS************************* 1. ADDING A WORD FOR YOUR BOT TO RESPOND TO: To see what words your bot already responds to type 'seewords botname'. To teach your bot to respond to 'donut' with either 'I like donuts too.' or 'Donuts are very tasty!' just type '@addword botname' and enter the keyword 'donut'. Then enter the appropriate responses a line at a time. End with a single period on a line by itself. 2. ADDING A PATTERN FOR YOUR BOT TO RESPOND TO: Suppose you wished your bot to hear something like MY DONUT ISN'T VERY TASTY and respond with WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT A TASTY DONUT? To do this you must teach your bot to respond to the pattern MY a ISN'T VERY b. To understand what patterns look like, type 'seepat botname' and study the examples. For additional assistance on understanding the syntax of patterns type 'help regular'. When you think you are ready to add a pattern type '@addpat botname' and enter the following line when asked to do so: my %(%w*%) isn't very %(.*%) Then type in the response form: What's so great about a %2 %1? Add as many response forms as you wish on separate lines. End with a period on a single line. 3. ADDING RANDOM RESPONSES: These responses are triggered whenever your bot can't find a keyword, a pattern, or a question. To see the responses already programmed type: 'seeresponses botname'. To add a new random response type: 'addrandom botname' and enter a new response. 4. ADDING A RANDOM RESPONSE TO A QUESTION When your bot senses a question is being asked it responds with a random 'answer'. To see the random question responses already programmed into your bot type 'seequestionresponses botname'. To add a new response type 'addquestionresponse botname'. 5. To remove words, patterns, random responses or answers use the appropriate 'rm-' command. For example, to remove pattern number 5 on your bot just type 'rmpat 5 from bot'. 6. Your bot responds to patterns in the order in which itmatches them. If you wish to move pattern number 7 to a position nearer the beginning of the list you might type something like 'mvpat 7 on botname'. You will then be asked to enter a line number to move pattern to. 7. CAUTION: This bot was designed for serious educational and experimental purposes. It makes an excellent 'guide' or 'tutor' and is an interesting vehicle for the study of the limits of language understanding using an 'Eliza' approach. BUT.. it has great spam potential since it responds to nearly everything it hears. 'Hush botname' when not needed and please be considerate of others around you .. PLEASE FORWARD COMMENTS AND BUGS TO KEN SCHWELLER, KEN/CDR @COLLEGETOWN