Assignment Two: Find the Goalie
Your first assignment is to create for yourself a student
character on the ProgrammingLand MOO.
- Log on to the ProgrammingLand MOO
Port: 7777
use the create command (ONE TIME ONLY)
Use either
- a standard telnet client (NOT recommended)
- the MacMOOSE client installed in the Mac clusters in the
- the tkmoo-light client installed in the PC cluster in the IACC
- Note: to get copies of these freeware clients, MacMOOSE or
tkMOO-light, go to
The MooAdmin Page and follow the instructions.
- Use your first initial and last name as both username and password
- Then, for one point each:
- read help
- read help introduction
- read help index
- read help players
- read help movement
- read help communication
- read help manipulation
- read help miscellaneous
- read help building
- read help programming
- @describe yourself (tastefully)
(Note: player movements and actions are logged.)
Then you are to
familiarize yourself with the MOO by wandering around in
the Lisp wing.
- There exists an object in one
of the rooms of the Lisp wing that is called the CS 372 Goal.
- When you find the goal you
should touch it (touch CS 372 Goal) and it will mark your
player with an award and your Lisp programming assignment (20 points).
- You are advised to print this assignment, as it will be
useful later.
- Please note: to get full credit you must visit at least ten
rooms (two points each).
- When you have completed the assignment, send an email
message to the grader.