Second Server Group Assignment

In order to prepare for this assignment, you will need to read the LambdaMOO Programmer's manual, and do the take-home exam at:

Mail your answers (a simple list of 30 numbers will do), to your subgroup leader: either or Please complete this by Friday, Feb. 23rd.

Next, in order to give you some good practice, I want to divide the two existing server subgroups into smaller units (while still keeping a balance of novice and experience), as follows:
Sub-sub groups:

  1. Wong, Lorentz, Balliet, Parisien
    (work together on ex. #1 and #2, below)
  2. Carlson, Schott, Dang, Ernst
    (work together on ex. #3 and #4, below)
  3. Hofland, Louwagie, Guerard, Blaha, Dieken
    (work together on ex. #5 and #6, below)
  4. Matthews, Hartmann, Crary, Schilke
    (work together on ex. #7 and #8, below)

You should plan to have these practice exercises completed by Tuesday, March 6th. Again, notify your subgroup leader when you are done. They will be writing a simple wrapper routine, that will call your routines, in order to periodically check the status of the simulation. Note that you will need to absorb the material at in order to know what your exercises should be checking for. The practice exercises are to write a routine that:

  1. goes through the list of $g.street, looking at each exit named with a cardinal direction (eg. north, south, east, west, southeast, northeast, southwest, northwest), and confirm that 1) each exit points to another $g.street with 2) an exit pointing back that is named with the opposite direction. Print a list of errors and possible solutions (i.e. @rename #1234 to south,s)
  2. goes through the list of $g.street, looking at each exit pointing to a $, and confirm that each store has an exit named "street" pointing back. Print a list of errors, with solutions where possible.
  3. goes through the list of $g.street, looking for each exit pointing to a $, and checks that the store is "well formed" (e.g. with a backroom, a basement, a backyard, an outhouse, an upstairs, etc.), see the store description at Print a list of errors, with solutions where possible.
  4. goes through the list of $g.gameroom, looking at each exit, and confirming that it points to a room that is also of type $g.gameroom (and not a programmer room, or something else). Print a list of errors, with solutions where possible.
  5. goes through the list of $prog and checks whether their .home is assigned a room that is owned by them. In those cases where an error is found, attempt to find a $g.programmer_room that IS owned by them . Print a list of errors, with solutions where possible.
  6. goes through the neighborhoods ($g.hood) and checks whether their list of streets is accurate. Print a list of errors, with solutions where possible.
  7. goes through the list of $g.gui_exit and confirm that their .source and .dest properties are valid rooms. Print a list of errors, with solutions where possible.
  8. goes through the children of $ and check that $g.current_stores is an accurate list. Print a list of errors, with solutions where possible
  9. goes through the list of $g.programmer_room and confirms that exits only point to other programmer rooms. Print a list of errors, with solutions where possible
I have done the last one so you have an example to follow. See check_prog_rms. Notice that I have implemented the solution as a verb defined on my prograqmmer character (slator (#124)). This code is fair game, borrow from it as you see fit.

Additional existing routines you can inspect and borrow from are these:

1. Wood Lot Operators with kids (#679) owned by sanders0 (#268)
    5 value_ properties and 5 properties check out fine
9. Carpenter/Builder_No_Kids (#693) owned by cschanze (#136)
    Warning: .description LIST should be at least two lines.
    5 value_ properties and 5 properties check out fine
39. Cartwright With Kids (#1182) owned by slator (#124)
    Warning: .description property should be a LIST
    Error: 0 in age_range should be a STR from age_range_values
    Error: 0 in income_level should be a STR from income_level_values
    Error: 0 in work_status should be a STR from work_status_values
    Error: 0 in domicile should be a STR from domicile_values
    Error: 0 in family_status should be a STR from family_status_values
    5 value_ properties and 0 properties check out fine

Product (#676)
  Product Type: Blacksmith Products (#661)
    Product: Equipment Rental (#1204)
      Error: length of .consumer_table should be43
      Model: Enhanced Steel Plow (#1233)
      Model: Enhanced Manure Spreader (#1234)
      Model: Basic Steel Plow (#1256)
      Model: Basic Manure Spreader (#1257)
  Product Type: Tailoring Products (#626)
    Product: Hats (#2042)
      Error: .possible_features {} LIST is too short
      Error: length of .consumer_table should be43
      Model: Top Hats (#2046)
        Error: .features {list} is empty
      Model: Cowboy Hats (#2047)
        Error: .features {list} is empty

Neighborhood (#677)
  Neighborhood: West Side (#1237)
    No static problems found in #1237
     .consumer_population total:100 is correct
  Neighborhood: Fort Wood Trading Post (#1244)
    Error: .streets should be a LIST of OBJECTS
    Error: .streets contains things that are not Street (#1280)
    Neighborhood #1244 has 1 or more errors
    Error: .consumer_population total:120 should be 100

1. Riverside Wheelwright (#1462) in Riverside (#1273) run by bernie (#2995)
10. West Outpost Stable Operator (#1705) in Neighborhood (#677) run by gritchie2 (#3009)
15. Riverside Blacksmith (#1810) in Riverside (#1273) run by ?
33. Blackwood School (#270) in Neighborhood (#677) run by ?

Partial List of Next Projects

Compare the actual list of existing stores to the table at to determine what stores, if any, still need to be built, and build them

Run the ;$g.product:check_products() routine, identify the errors and repair them.

Run the ;$g.hood:check_hoods() routine, identify the errors and repair them.

Run the $ routine, identify the errors and repair them.

History: 18Feb01; Contact: