CS 214: Self-paced C

Call Number: #54011

MW 1:00-2:30
IACC, Rm. #102

Dr. Brian M. Slator, Associate Professor
Computer Science and Operations Research
North Dakota State University
Office: IACC Building, Rm. #258-6A
Phone: 701-231-6124
Office hours: MTWR 11:30-12:30, or by appt.


Course Overview and Philosophy

The course will cover the essentials of the C programming language. Students will be expected to read the textbook and complete a series of assignments. Class periods will be for informal discussion, questions and individual attention. There will be an organizational meeting on the first day of class and no formal lecture there-after.

General Comments



ExersizePageKey Concept
2.1951keyboard i/o and if statements
3.4298structured programming
4.15141for loops
5.33197switch statements and (rand) function calls
6.11248arrays and sorting
8.11357pointers and strings
9.13392formatted i/o
10.7427structs and bit operations

Policy on Turning in Assignments

Everything must be turned in by Friday, June 6th. After that you cannot get credit for it.

Turning things in ahead of time is a FINE idea.


There are no restrictions on where you can do your work: IACC clusters, home, work, whatever. The compilers available on campus are these:

Send comments to: slator@badlands.nodak.edu
Hits since Wednesday, May 14, 1997: