CS 128 Schedule: Fall 1999

Monday Tue. Wednesday Thu. Fri.
1. Aug. 23

First Day
2. Aug. 30
Problem Solving: Overview

The Internet
3. Sep. 6 Labor Day
No Class
Browsing and Searching
Sudro 131
4. Sep. 13
Introduction to HTML
Home Pages, Part I
Sudro 131
5. Sep. 20 Problem Solving: Sorting and Searching
Review for Exam #1
Sudro 131
6. Sep. 27 First Exam
Ch. 1-10, pp. 1-86
Image Manipulation/Scanning
Sudro 131
7. Oct. 4 Problem Solving: Divide and Conquer VideoConference
No Lab
8. Oct. 11 Problem Solving: Means-Ends Analysis
Review Homework
Homework Due, 1 PM
Sudro 131
9. Oct. 18 Problem Solving: Recursion
Review for Exam #2
HTML Forms
Sudro 131
10. Oct. 25 Second Exam
Ch. 11-17, pp. 87-141
HTML Image Maps
Sudro 131
11. Nov. 1 Problem Solving: Greedy Algorithms Macintosh Basics
IACC 116
12. Nov. 8 Problem Solving: Total Quality Management
Review Homework
Homework Due, 1 PM
IACC 116
13. Nov. 15 Problem Solving: Top Down Design
Review for Exam #3
HTML Frames and CGI
IACC 116
14. Nov. 22 Third Exam
Ch. 18-22, pp. 143-213

No Lab
15. Nov. 29 Problem Solving: Software Engineering Java and Javascript
IACC 116
16. Dec. 6 Problem Solving: Complexity Theory
Review Homework
Homework Due, 1 PM
Semester Review - Final Deadline
17. Dec. 12 Finals Week: No Class:
Final Exam Scheduled: Tuesday, Dec. 14, 12:30-2:30 PM

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