Exam 3, material covered: Ch. 18-22, pp. 143-213, plus classroom and lab material and discussion.
COMP128 Computer Science Problem Solving Name ___________________
NAID ___________________


Exam 3, Fall 1999

(6 pages, 100 points == 12% of semester grade, approximately)


1.What is the abbreviation of electronic mail?

a.          e-mail.**

b.          Postal mail.

c.          E-m

d.          mail.


2. To receive mail, a user must have _____________ , a storage area, usually on disk, that holds incoming e-mail messages until the user has time to read them.

a.          a post box.

b.          a mailbox**

c.          a postal address.

d.          a postal code


3. Like a post office mailbox, each e-mail mailbox has a _______________ .

a.          postal code

b.          opening window.

c.          lock.

d.          mailbox address.**


4. Assume that your computer is already connected to the Internet. What else do you need to send and receive e-mail?

a.          Any kind of software.

b.          E-mail software.**

c.          A browser

d.          Nothing else


5. To interpret something humorous, we sometimes use : -) or J . What is the name of this symbol?

a.          smiley.**

b.          No special name.

c.          Joker.

d.          None of the above.


6. ________________ software hides unnecessary header lines when displaying an e-mail message.

a.          User-friendly**

b.          Any

c.          No

d.          Graphical.


7. What does Cc stand for?

a.          Color copy.

b.          Carbon copy.**

c.          Carbon contents

d.          Color contents.

8. When a user sends an e-mail message, a program on the senderís computer becomes:

a.          a client**

b.          a server.

c.          Both client and server

d.          None of the above.

9. _____________ software starts automatically as soon as a user finishes composing an e-mail message.

a.          Server

b.          Client.**

c.          Both server and client.

d.          Server/Client.


10. The client uses _________ to send a copy of the e-mail message across the Internet to the server.

a.          IP

b.          FTP

c.          TCP**

d.          IP and FTP


11. Suppose an e-mail address is: yourName@ndsu.nodak.edu. What is the ndsu.nodak.edu part called?

a.          The domain name.**

b.          The client name.

c.          The user name

d.          It means nothing.


12. Suppose an e-mail address is: yourName@ndsu.nodak.edu. What is the yourName part called ?

a.          The domain name.

b.          The server name.

c.          The user name.**

d.          It means nothing.


13. Find the invalid mailbox address.

a.          yourName@ndsu.nodak.edu

b.          your_Name@ndsu.nodak.edu

c.          your Name@ndsu@nodak.edu**

d.          name@ndsu.nodak.edu


14. Suppose you created an email alias:

friends = bob@company.com, jim@company2.com, susan@company3.com

When you sent e-mail with this alias. What happens?

a.          mail is sent to the first recipient.

b.          mail is sent to the first two recipients.

c.          mail is sent to each recipient.**

d.          it is illegal.


15. Even if both computers have TCP/IP software , and both are connected to the Internet, a remote user can not access a database unless both computers have additional software

a.          the userís computer needs a database client program and the computer with the database needs a database server program.**

b.          the userís computer needs a database server program and the computer with the database needs a database client program.

c.          the userís computer needs a database client program and the computer with the database needs a database client program.

d.          the userís computer needs a database server program and the computer with the database needs a database server program.


16. Suppose a Newsgroup name is: firstPart.second.third. What is meant by firstPart?

a.          the subject

b.          the type of the group**

c.          a particular topic within the subject.

d.          All of the above.


17. If the first part of the name of a newsgroup is sci. What is the General category of discussions of that newsgroup?

a.          socials issues and cultures.

b.          Arts, hobbies, recreational activities.

c.          Science, engineering, mathematics.**

d.          Computer science.


18. What does FAQ stand for?

a.          Frequently Asked Question.**

b.          For Asking Question.

c.          Both of them.

d.          None of them.

19. What does FTP stand for?

a.          File Transfer Protocol.**

b.          File Termination Protocol.

c.          Form Transfer Protocol.

d.          Form Termination Protocol.

20. FTP uses ____________ software to connect with a computer.

a.          HTTP

b.          TCP

c.          IP

d.          TCP/IP**

21. What are the three basic FTP commands needed to retrieve a file:

a.          open, get, exit

b.          open, get, bye**

c.          open, save, exit

d.          open, save, bye.


22. What is the purpose of the FTP command ëopení?

a.          Connect to the remote computer.**

b.          Retrieve a file from a computer.

c.          Terminate the connection and leave the FTP program.

d.          All of the above.


23. What is the purpose of the FTP command ëgetí?

a.          Connect to the remote computer.

b.          Retrieve a file from a computer.**

c.          Terminate the connection and leave the FTP program.

d.          All of the above.


24. What is the purpose of the FTP command ëbyeí?

a.          Connect to the remote computer.

b.          Retrieve a file from a computer.

c.          Terminate the connection and leave the FTP program.**

d.          All of the above.


25. Which basic file format/formats does FTP understand.

a.          text file.

b.          binary file

c.          both of text and binary file.**

d.          none of text and binary file.

26. If your file contains a graphic or video image. For FTP you must specify the format as:

a.          text.

b.          binary**

c.          text/binary

d.          text and binary


27. To prepare FTP to transfer a text file. What should be the command?

a.          text.

b.          ascii.**

c.          binary

d.          text/ascii


28. If a user requests FTP to perform a transfer using an incorrect type. What will be happened?

a.          the resulting copy may be malformed.**

b.          no file will be transferred.

c.          the transfer will be successful.

d.          none of the above.


29. To obtain access to the public files of a remote system, what is the login and password?

a.          anonymous and guest**

b.          your name and guest

c.          no login or password is required

d.          you can not get access.


30. To view the available files what is the FTP command?

a.          ls/dir**

b.          list

c.          cd

d.          listall


31. What does the FTP command hash do?

a.          it indicate that it is downloading a hash file.

b.          it combines two or more transfers.

c.          It requests FTP to print a series of ë#í signs on the userís screen as the transfer proceeds to reassure the user that FTP is working.**

d.          There is no such command.

32. What does the FTP command bell do?

a.          it requests FTP to sound an audible tone whenever a transfer completes.**

b.          it requests FTP to sound an audible tone whenever a transfer starts.

c.          it requests FTP to sound an audible tone whenever a transfer starts and completes.

d.          There is no such command.


33. A timesharing computer system permits ________ user/users to run programs simultaneously.

a.          single.

b.          double.

c.          no .

d.          multiple .**


34. The Internet standard for remote login service is found in a protocol known as __________ ; its specification is part of the _________ documentation.

a.          TCP/IP, TELNET

b.          TELNET, TCP/IP**

c.          TELNET, FTP

d.          FTP, TELNET

35. One of the earliest browsing services was:

a.          gopher**

b.          Internet Explorer

c.          Netscape Navigator

d.          WWW


36. The popularity of menu-driven systems arises because:

a.          they display a menu of choices for user.

b.          they permit a user to move easily from an item on one menu to a related item .

c.          Both of them.**

d.          None of them


37. When a hypertext system contains references to nontextual information, it is called a ______________ system.

a.          hypo media.

b.          hypermedia.**

c.          inter-media

d.          multimedia


38. To display nontextual information, a computer must have ____________ hardware.

a.          hypo media.

b.          hypermedia.

c.          inter-media

d.          multimedia**


39. What does WWW stand for?

a.          World Whole Web

b.          Well World Web

c.          World Wide Web**

d.          Wide World Web


40. Most modern computer systems permit each application program to use a rectangular region of the screen called a ____________.

a.          Window**

b.          door

c.          rectangle

d.          square.


41. What does URL stand for?

a.          Unified Resource Locator.

b.          Uniform Resource Locator**

c.          Undefined Resource Locator.

d.          None of the above.


42. To make it convenient for a user to move directly to a frequently accessed page, most browsers include a special mechanism. It is known as:

a.          bookmarks

b.          hot list

c.          both of the above**

d.          none of the above


43. Given a URL: http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/types

What do you mean by the middle part ( www.ndsu.nodak.edu)?

a.          the name of the protocol to use when accessing the server

b.          the name of the computer on which the server is running.**

c.          the name of an item to request from the server.

d.          All of the above.


44. Given a URL: http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/types

What do you mean by the first part (http)?

a.          the name of the protocol to use when accessing the server.**

b.          the name of the computer on which the server is running.

c.          the name of the item to request from the server.

d.          All of the above.


45. Given a URL: http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/types

What do you mean by the third part (types)?

a.          the name of the protocol to use when accessing the server

b.          the name of the computer on which the server is running.

c.          the name of the item to request from the server.**

d.          All of the above.


46. Can every individual participate in all newsgroups?

a.          Yes.

b.          No.**

c.          It depends on person.

d.          It depends on country.


47. A style of interacting with a computer that uses a mouse instead of a keyboard is known as:

a.          point-and-click interface.**

b.          point-to-point interface.

c.          Click-to-click interface.

d.          All of the above.


48. Find the true one.

a.          FTP data transfer causes more traffic on the Internet than any other application.

b.          To a human user, FTP appears to provide instantaneous response for small requests.

c.          A remote FTP service asks each user for authorization by prompting for a login identifier and password.

d.          All of the above.**


49. Which one is false?

a.          Given a valid URL, a browser can go directly to the page without passing through other documents.

b.          A Uniform Resource Locator consists of a short character string that identifies a particular multimedia document.

c.          A web browser consists of a program that provides access to hypermedia documents on the World Wide Web.

d.          A Web browser displays a given document, and allows the user to select among highlighted items, which can consist only of text.**


50. The first Web browser was developed at the National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA). What was the name of the browser?

a.          Netscape Navigator.

b.          Mosaic.**

c.          Internet Explorer.

d.           Netscape Communicator.