CS 128 Assignments

Assignment #1, Due: 1 PM, Wed September 1st (25 points)

Send email to slator@badlands.nodak.edu so I can send announcements via email

Assignment #2, Due: 1 PM, Wed October 13th (100 points)

Create a personal home page on the Worldwide Web.
  1. (4 pts.) Title tag saying XXX's Home Page (where XXX == you)
  2. (4 pts.) light colored (non-white) background, dark colored text, dark (differently) colored links
  3. table with at least two cells
    1. (4 pts.) left hand cell with photo or other image
    2. (4 pts.) right hand cell with name/address information
  4. (4 pts.) horizontal rule, centered, 50% width
  5. list of links, which must include
    1. (4 pts.) a link to your resume page
    2. (4 pts.) a link to your problem-solving team page
  6. (4 pts.) horizontal rule
  7. (4 pts.) most recent update information
  8. (4 pts.) a mailto link to yourself
  9. (4 pts.) horizontal rule

Create a resume page on the Worldwide Web.

  1. (4 pts.) Title tag saying XXX's Resume Page (where XXX == you)
  2. (4 pts.) white background, black text, dark (non-black) colored links
  3. (4 pts.) centered name/address information
  4. (4 pts.) horizontal rule, centered, 50% width
  5. (4 pts.) heading: Education
  6. (4 pts.) list of schools you have attended, with dates
  7. (4 pts.) heading: Experience
  8. (4 pts.) list of job, or job-related, or volunteer, or other possibly relevant experiences
  9. (4 pts.) horizontal rule, centered, 50% width
  10. (4 pts.) most recent update information
  11. (4 pts.) a mailto link to yourself
  12. (4 pts.) link back to your home page
  13. (4 pts.) horizontal rule, centered, 50% width

Assignment #3, Due: 1 PM, Wed November 10th (100 points)

Create a Hobby/Personal Interest page on the Worldwide Web. The choice of subject matter is up to you: a game, a sport, a style of music, a category of art, your hometown, an author, an actor, a foreign country....something you know a lot about, or something you're interested in enough to learn a lot about.

Warning: there are issues involved with 'publishing' on the web.

Please, use your best judgement.

Your hobby/interest page must have the following:

  1. (2 pts.) Title tag saying XXX's YYY Page (where XXX == you and YYY == your hobby or personal interest)
  2. (2 pts.) Boldface title, centered, with a paragraph of introductory text, written by you
  3. (6 pts.) Create a photo collage for your hobby/interest that includes icons for at least:
    1. History
    2. Current Events
    3. Background/References
    4. Related Hobbies/Interests
    Or, for half credit, create a 'button box' with at least these titles
  4. (6 pts.) Create a client-side image map for your collage or button box, with links pointing to these 4+ 'content' pages
  5. (2 pts.) most recent update information, and a mailto link to yourself.
  6. (2 pts.) horizontal rule

Each of these 4+ 'content' pages must have (for 20 points each)

  1. (2 pts.) a two color background bar, such as this:
  2. a table format of two side-by-side cells
    see The WWWIC Home Page for an idea how this should look
  3. (4 pts.) the left-hand cell will be a list of links to your other 'content' pages
  4. the right-hand cell will contain
    1. (4 pts.) a paragraph of introductory text, written by you
    2. (2 pts.) an annotated dictionary list of links to other sites
    3. (2 pts.) at least one image or icon
    4. (4 pts.) a button for returning to your hobby/interest page, centered at the bottom
    5. (2 pts.) most recent update information, and a mailto link to yourself

Assignment #4, Due: 1 PM, Wed December 8th (100 points)

Implement JavaScript on your home page.

Last Day for Late Homework: Wed December 8th, 1 PM

Homework cannot be accepted after the last day of class.

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