GUI Design

First Meeting, Wed. June 18, 1998, at 1:00 PM

Context Setting

  1. There are no right answers in GUI design -- only tradeoffs that are better or worse -- we must balance aesthetics vs. playability vs. authenticity
  2. There is nothing more emotional than User Interface Design
  3. GUI design is a group process, and ultimately depends on user feedback
  4. We now have an initial prototype, and we're about to design a second. We must respect the work of the previous designers (John Bauer, pretty much single-handedly)
  5. The overriding principle is "design to function" -- first decide the functions to support and then work them together.
  6. A wise saying (made up by me): We move a ton to save users an ounce of effort

Major Topics

Interface Conventions

Evaluation Plans

Main Functions