Ken Magel

258 A9 IACC
(701) 231-8189

Last Updated: February, 1999

Earned his PhD in 1977 from Brown and has taught in Kansas, Missouri and Texas. He has been at NDSU since August, 1983.

Teaching interests include courses in problem solving, software engineering, human-computer interaction, object-oriented systems, and programming languages.

Research activities explore what makes programming difficult and programs complex. He has published widely in the areas of program complexity metrics and software testing. For additional information, refer to Research Statement

Interests: repairing clocks, high fantasy, science fiction and obscure games.

Has three children, Brandon (age 17), Trevor (age 12) and Shaina ( age 4). Married to Rhonda Magel, the Chair of the NDSU Statistics Department. Has two six year old cats, Jody and Corduroy.

Some Pointers

Course Web Pages

Software Engineering References
  1. Software Engineering Institute
  2. Virtual Library on Software Engineering
  3. Usenet FAQs on Software Engineering
  4. DACS Home Page
  5. Object-Oriented FAQ
  6. The Patterns Home Page
  7. UML Information
  8. UML Standard
  9. Software Measurement References

Java Resources
  1. Sun's Java Site
  2. Java Tutorial
  3. Java FAQ
  4. Another FAQ
  5. IBM's Java Research
  6. Java Interest Groups

XML Resources
  1. Basic Tutorial
  2. Some References
  3. Extensive References
  4. XML Examples
  5. FAQ for XML
  6. Annotated XML Specification

Miscellaneous References
  1. CRS4 Animation Gallery
  2. Learning Tutorials
  3. TOR SF and Fantasy Books
  4. Computer Science Bibliographies
  5. Personal Digital Assistants
  6. Programming Language List
  7. Science Fiction Weekly