Data Mining in the
Presence of Quantitatively and Qualitatively Diverse Information
M. Denton <>
North Dakota State
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Data Mining
Sequence Clustering
- Anne M. Denton and Jianfei Wu,
“Data mining of vector-item patterns using neighborhood histograms,” Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS)
journal, (in press). (online
- Dietmar H. Dorr, Anne M.
Denton, "Generalised sequence signatures through symbolic clustering,"
International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, (in press).
- Dietmar H. Dorr, Anne M.
Denton, "Clustering sequences by overlap," International Journal of
Data Mining and Bioinformatics, 3(3):260-279,
2009. (online
- Dietmar H. Dorr and Anne M.
Denton, “Establishing relationships among patterns in stock market
data,” Data & Knowledge
Engineering, 68(3):318-337,
March 2009. (online
- Anne Denton, "Subspace sums for
extracting non-random data from massive noise," Knowledge and
Information Systems (KAIS) journal 20(1):35-62, July 2009. (online
- Anne M. Denton, Christopher A.
Besemann and Dietmar H. Dorr, "Pattern-based time-series subsequence
clustering using radial distribution functions," Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS)
journal, 18(1):1-27,
January 2009. (online
- Anne M. Denton, Jianfei Wu,
Megan K. Townsend, Preeti Sule, and Birgit M. Prüß,“Relating
gene expression data on two-component systems to functional
annotations in Escherichia coli,” BMC Bioinformatics, 9:294, 2008. (online access)
- Christopher
Besemann, Anne Denton, Nathan J Carr and Birgit M Pruess,
bio-interface for the semi-global analysis of network patterns," Source
Code for Biology and Medicine, 1:8,
2006. (online access)
- Birgit
M. Prüβ, Christopher Besemann, Anne
Denton, and Alan J. Wolfe, "A
complex transcription network controls the early stages of biofilm
formation," J. Bacteriol. 188:3731-3739, 2006.
Conference and Workshop Publications
- Jianfei Wu, Anne M. Denton,
Omar El-Ariss, and Dianxiang Xu, "Mining core patterns in stock market
data," Mining Multiple Information Sources Workshop in conjunction with
the 2009 IEEE
International Conference on Data Mining, Miami, Dec 6, 2009.
- Dietmar Dorr and Anne Denton,
pattern mining approach toward discovering generalized sequence
signatures," SIAM International
Conference on Data Mining (SDM08), Atlanta, GA, April 24-26,
2008. (online
- Dietmar Dorr and Anne Denton,
"Generalized sequence signatures through symbolic clustering," Workshop on Machine Learning in
Biomedicine and Bioinformatics in conjunction with the Sixth
International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications,
Cincinnati, OH, Dec. 13-15,
2007. (online
- Jianfei
Wu and Anne Denton, " Mining
vector-item patterns for annotating protein domains," Mining Multiple Information
Sources Workshop in conjunction with the ACM KDD
'07 Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, San Jose,
CA, Aug. 12,
2007, ISBN: 978-1-59593-840-4. (online
- Anne
Denton and Angshu Kar, "Finding differentially expressed genes through
noise elimination," Workshop on Data
Mining for Biomedical Informatics
in conjunction with the Sixth SIAM International Conference on Data
Mining, Minneapolis, MN, April 28, 2007.
- Christopher
Besemann and Anne
Denton, "Mining edge-disjoint patterns in graph-relational data," Workshop on Data Mining for Biomedical
in conjunction with the Sixth SIAM International Conference on Data
Mining, Minneapolis, MN, April 28, 2007.
- Anne Denton,
clustering of time series subsequences using a continuous random-walk
noise model," In Proceedings The
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'05),
Houston, Texas, Nov. 27-30, 2005. (online

This material is
based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.
opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in
this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National
Science Foundation.